-Operation “Guardian of the Walls”

Watching the events that are currently unfolding in Israel and Palestine, we are witnessing a chain of events that we have already seen many times in our short lives. The conflict over the land between the river and the sea is in made up of a lot of different stories and tragedies, yet the same things and the same themes keep repeating themselves, in a endless cycle of violence with only slight “new variations to the same old shit”, as an Israeli friend of mine put it the other day.

-5th of May, 2021

A ŕecorded voice endlessly reminds people to enter one at the time, to wear their mask correctly, that it is forbidden to gather in groups and that it is compulsory to keep a 1-metre distance from each other.

-La voga veneta

Until a few centuries ago, Venice had only a few bridges, and its people moved around in rowing boats, as many of them still do today. Manoeuvering a boat in the narrow canals of the city or on the shallow waters of the surrounding Venetian lagoon is definitely not easy, and you really have to look at where the boat is going if you don’t want to bump into a wall or god forbid, into an expensive gondola.

-May Day in Tel Aviv

1st of May, 2012: Communist militants march in Tel Aviv to mark the day of workers. In a country originally founded by socialists such as Israel, May Day is still an important celebration, with large demonstrations that see Jews and Palestinians march together in the name of workers’ solidarity.