-Landing of Migrants in Siracusa

Siracusa, Italy – 12th of October, 2013: A group of 183 migrants land in the port of Siracusa, on the Southern Italian island of Sicily, after having been picked up 70 km from the Libyan coast.

-The Grape Harvest

In South Italy one understands the summer is coming to an end when people begin to talk about the “sugars”, referring to the sugar content of their grapes. When the “sugars” are right, it is time to embark on the yearly ritual of the grape harvest, which in Puglia means enlisting your friends and family for a few days of work and drinking on what might as well be the last hot days of the year.

-Città Inquinata: I Morti che Camminano

E’ una calda serata di giugno, e mi trovo in una piazzetta nel rione Tamburi di Taranto con un gruppo di donne dell’associazione ambientalista Altamarea. La piazza risuona delle grida dei bambini che giocano, mentre le loro madri chiacchierano sulle panchine.